Interesting Lesser-Known Facts About Papaya Fruit

Facts About Papaya Fruit
Category: Herbal ingredients
Posted By: Green Jeeva

Papaya Fruit: A Brief Overview 

An herbaceous fruit, papaya belongs to the family of Caricaceae. Having its origins in Southern Mexico and Central America, the fruit is now grown across the world. It is primarily cultivated in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Africa, Philippines, Australia, and Hawaii. The major producers of papaya fruit include India, Brazil, and Mexico. Back in 2020, India alone produced around 43% of the total supply of papayas in the world. 

Also known as Pawpaws or Papaws, this fruit grows wonderfully well in tropical climates. It has a vibrant colour and offers sweet taste once it ripens. The papaya tree is a small, single stem tree, growing to a height of 5 to 10 meters. The leaves are generally large, having a diameter of around 50 to 70 cm. The fruit generally has a length of 15 to 45 centimetres and a diameter of around 10 to 30 centimetres. 

Nutrition Profile of Papaya Fruit 

Papayas are known popularly as an excellent source of vitamin C. They are also rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin E. Papayas are also packed with fiber, copper, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. They are also a powerhouse of antioxidants, like lycopene and carotenoids. 

A small-sized papaya generally has an approximate of 15 gm of carbs, 1 gm of protein, 3 gm of fiber, and 59 calories. 

Some Quick Facts on Papaya Fruit 

1. Though native to Mexico, papaya also grows in Florida and the Caribbean.

2. As per the reports of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), India produces the largest quantity of papayas in the world. Back in 2013, the country produced more than 5 million tons of papayas. 

3. Botanically, papaya is a berry. 

4. Christopher Columbus nicknamed papayas as the ‘Fruit of the Angels’. 

5. Hawaii is the only known U.S. state that commercially cultivates papayas

6. Papain, an enzyme extracted from papayas is known to be an excellent meat tenderizer. 

7. The enzyme papain is used in the manufacture of chewing gums. 

8. National Papaya Month is observed every year in September

9. The black seeds sheltered inside ripe papayas taste like black pepper and are used as a substitute to black pepper corns in certain countries. 

10. There are 2 types of papayas – Mexican and Hawaiian.

11. Bark and stem of papaya trees are used to manufacture ropes. 

12. Young papaya leaves are used in salads and even blanched and cooked like spinach. 

13. The papaya tree does not have any branch. 

14. All parts of the papaya tree have latex. 

15. A small-sized papaya offers 300% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C. 

16. A typical papaya plant has a lifespan of over 20 years. 

                                                        papaya powder
Industrial Uses of Papaya Fruit

It is a matter of fact that papaya fruit is used extensively across various industries, including cosmetics, food & beverages, and health & wellness. Some of the most primary uses of papaya are discussed below. 

  • In the cosmetics industry, it is also used as an important ingredient in the manufacture of shampoos and conditioners. 
  • Papain, an enzyme obtained from papayas is used in the manufacture of dietary supplements and chewing gums. It is also used in the food industry to tenderize meat. 
  • It is also used to clean wools and silks before dying. 
  • In the food & beverage industry, papaya is used in the preparation of many confectionary items. It is also used in the manufacture of many kinds of beverages including squash, juices, and sherbets.

Where to Buy Papaya Fruit Powder From? 

The industrial uses of papaya fruit are limitless. From health and beauty to food and pharmaceuticals, papaya has taken up its space is almost all industries. If you are looking forward to ordering papaya fruit extract powder in bulk quantities, visit today and place your order at the most competitive rates! 

For customers looking for organic and conventional raw ingredients with same-day shipping in and around Canada, visit Green Jeeva Canada.

**The Food and Drug Aministration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.**

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