Bitter Melon Extract Powder 1% Bitters GV
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Bitter Melon Extract Powder 1% Bitters GV

SKU#: GJ6050
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Product Description

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    Raw Material
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Product Data
Main Producing Countries
China, India, Phillipines, Thailand, United States and Vietnam

Production & Sourcing

Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd or karela, is a tropical and subtropical vegetable that is widely cultivated in Asia, Africa, and South America. It is a member of the cucumber family and is grown on a climbing vine with twisted, warty, and elongated fruits that vary in size and shape. The fruit has a hard, bitter rind and a soft, pithy interior with small, flat seeds. Bitter melon is typically harvested when it is still green and unripe, as it becomes increasingly bitter as it ripens. Bitter melon is primarily grown in tropical and subtropical regions, with the highest production in countries such as China, India, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam. It is also grown in some parts of Africa and South America. Bitter melon is a popular vegetable in many cuisines and is also used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits.

Harvest Time

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