Fadogia Agrestesis Herb Powder
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Fadogia Agrestesis Herb Powder

SKU#: GJ10176
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Product Description

Botanical Name: Fadogia agrestis
Plant Part Used: Herb
Processing Method: Drying, Grinding

Fadogia agrestis is a plant native to West Africa, specifically found in countries like Nigeria and Ghana. It belongs to the family Rubiaceae and is known for its traditional use as a medicinal herb. Some of the potential phytochemical constituents found in the plant include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and glycosides.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material
  • Product Category:
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  • Product Mix Category:
    Conventional RM powders
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Product Data
Main Producing Countries
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali and Nigeria

Production & Sourcing

 Fadogia agrestis is a small shrub native to West Africa. This plant has gained attention for its traditional uses. The production of Fadogia agrestis begins with cultivating the shrub in its native tropical and subtropical environments. It thrives in well-drained, sandy soils and requires a warm climate with consistent rainfall. Propagation is usually done through seeds, which are sown directly into the soil where they are allowed to grow naturally.

Harvesting Fadogia agrestis primarily involves collecting the stems and roots of the plant, which are the most commonly used parts. Harvesting is typically done by hand to ensure that the plant is not damaged, allowing it to regrow and maintain sustainability. The optimal time for harvesting is during the dry season when the concentration of beneficial compounds in the plant is highest. After harvesting, the stems and roots are cleaned to remove any soil and impurities.Following the harvest, the plant material is dried to preserve its properties. The drying process is carried out using traditional air-drying methods or in controlled drying facilities to ensure the material remains free from moisture and potential contaminants.

Harvest Time

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