Green Tea Extract Powder 50 % Egcg,85% Polyphenlols

Green Tea Extract Powder 50 % Egcg,85% Polyphenlols

SKU#: GJ3396
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Product Description

Green Tea Extract Powder 50% EGCG, 85% Polyphenols is a concentrated extract derived from green tea leaves. This extract is specially processed to provide high levels of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and total polyphenols. It is formulated for use in various applications where a potent source of green tea compounds is desired.EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): The extract contains 50% EGCG, a key polyphenol found in green tea known for its notable concentration in the extract.Polyphenols: The powder boasts an 85% total polyphenol content, encompassing a range of naturally occurring compounds found in green tea leaves.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material/Extract
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  • Product Mix Category:
    Conventional Extract Powders
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Note: Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the customer: Green Jeeva, LLC., however does not assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an express or implied guarantee or warranty with respect to Green Jeeva, LLC’s or their use.

Green Tea Extract Powder (50% EGCG, 85% Polyphenols) is a dietary supplement derived from green tea leaves. It is concentrated to provide a high level of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and polyphenols. The powder is designed for use in various formulations and applications.

The primary components in this Green Tea Extract Powder are epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and polyphenols. The powder contains 50% EGCG and 85% total polyphenols, which are key active ingredients from green tea.

The moisture content in Green Tea Extract Powder is typically kept below 5%. Low moisture levels are crucial to ensure the powder remains stable, preventing clumping and degradation over time.

Yes, Green Tea Extract Powder undergoes microbiological testing to ensure it meets safety standards. This testing verifies that the product is free from harmful levels of microorganisms and complies with regulatory guidelines.

The ash value in Green Tea Extract Powder indicates the amount of inorganic residue remaining after combustion. It helps assess the mineral content and can be used to detect potential contamination or adulteration of the powder.

Yes, Green Tea Extract Powder is BSE/TSE free. As it is derived from plant material, it does not contain prions associated with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE).

Green Tea Extract Powder is tested for heavy metals including lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. These tests ensure that the levels of these metals are within safe limits, in compliance with safety and quality standards.

Identification of Green Tea Extract Powder is typically performed using techniques such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) or Infrared Spectroscopy (IR). These methods confirm the presence and concentration of EGCG and polyphenols, ensuring the powder’s authenticity and quality.

Green Tea Extract Powder is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The powder is produced through the extraction and concentration of compounds from the green tea leaves.
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