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Organic Brown Rice Protein Powder

SKU#: GJ5479
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Product Description

Botanical Name: Oryza sativa
Plant Part Used: Grains
Processing Method: Drying, Grinding

Brown rice is one that contains all three layers of rice that are rich in fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. The protien from rice is extracted through various step processes like fermentation, filtration, and enzymatic processes. The brown rice protein is a good source of protein, contains nine essential amino acids, and branch chain amino acids. It is very nutritious for the health. It has high demand because it gets more easily absorbed by the body than other proteins.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material
  • Product Category:
  • Product Sub Category:
  • Product Mix Category:
    Organic RM powders
  • Package Type:
Product Data
Main Producing Countries
Bangladesh, China and India

Production & Sourcing

Cultivated from specific varieties of Oryza sativa, including Basmati, Jasmine, and Parboiled, rice undergoes a meticulous cultivation process involving planting in well-drained soils and flooded fields, followed by harvesting and milling to remove the outer husk, bran, and germ, resulting in distinct grains ready for various culinary applications; moreover, rice syrup solids, derived from raw rice grains, undergo a milling process to extract starch, mixed with water, enzymes, and heat to form a concentrated syrup, while rice syrup undergoes a clarification process to produce a clean, neutral-tasting sweetener.

Harvest Time

Note: Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the customer: Green Jeeva, LLC., however does not assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an express or implied guarantee or warranty with respect to Green Jeeva, LLC’s or their use.

The biological source of Brown Rice is Oryza sativa.

The plant part used in this product is seed.

The identification method used for protein in this product HPLC.

Brown Rice is a whole grain and a good source of magnesium, phosphorous, selenium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6 and manganese. It is high in fibre.

The color of Organic Brown Rice Protein Powder is Light Beige-Beige.

We ensure that microbial parameters in our products comply with microbial limits as specified by the United State Pharmacopeia (USP) to prevent and control biological hazards. We generally test total plate count (TPC), Yeast and mold, E. Coli & Salmonella in our products.

We test total heavy metals, lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium in our products. These heavy metals, by several studies, are toxic for human consumption beyond certain limits and are known carcinogens. We also ensure that our product complies with California prop 65 regulations for lead content below 0.5 ppm levels. Hence, its safe for human consumption.

The pH content in Organic Brown Rice Powder, which we provide is between 6.5 to 7.5.

It is the residue remaining after the incineration of the drug or plant part. Ash value represents the amounts of inorganic salts naturally occurring in the ingredient and adhering to it. It also includes inorganic matter, which helps to identify adulteration. Ash value greater than 5% is an indicator of the addition of inorganic metal salts in the product.

The protein content in Organic Brown Rice Powder, which we provide is not less than 80%.
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