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Organic Chia Sprout Powder, Freeze Dried

SKU#: GJ19743
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  • Product Type:
    Raw Material
  • Product Category:
  • Product Sub Category:
  • Product Mix Category:
    Organic RM powders
  • Package Type:
Product Data
Main Producing Countries
Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and United States

Production & Sourcing

Chia is an annual herbaceous plant native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. It is a member of the mint family and is closely related to other plants such as sage and basil. Chia plants can grow up to 6 feet in height and have small, purple or white flowers that produce small, oval-shaped seeds. The production of chia involves planting the seeds in well-drained, sandy soil with plenty of sunlight and water. It takes about 100-120 days for the plants to mature and the seeds to fully develop. The plants are then harvested by hand or with the help of machines and the seeds are separated from the plant. The seeds are then dried to a moisture level of 6-8% and then cleaned to remove any debris.Chia seeds are primarily produced in countries like Mexico, Argentina, and Bolivia. Mexico is the largest producer of chia, accounting for about 90% of the world's production. However, due to its rising popularity and demand, chia is now being cultivated in other countries such as Australia, the United States, and parts of Europe.

Harvest Time

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