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Potassium chloride is an electrolyte that is very essential for our body. It can be used as a flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, pH control agent, nutrient supplement, stabilizer, or thickener. Potassium chloride can be used in a place of sodium chloride to reduce excess intake of sodium salt. It can get this electrolyte by taking vegetables which are rich in potassium or else we can directly intake the available dietary supplements.
Main Producing Countries |
Belarus, Canada, Germany and Russia
Potassium chloride (KCl), an inorganic salt, is extracted from underground deposits of sylvinite ore or naturally occurring brine deposits. The primary method of production involves electrolysis of potassium chloride brine using mercury amalgam or membrane cell processes, resulting in high-purity KCl exceeding 99%. Alternatively, potassium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid or potassium carbonate and hydrochloric acid can also produce KCl.
Major global producers include Canada, Russia, Belarus, Israel, and Germany. Canada leads with about 35% of global supply, followed by Russia with approximately 26%, and Belarus with around 10%.
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