Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder 90% Polysaccharide
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Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder 90% Polysaccharide

SKU#: GJ19649
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Product Description

Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder 90% Polysaccharide

Botanical Name Ganoderma lucidum
Plant Part Used: Fruiting Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Processing Method: Extraction

Species of Ganoderma, normally called Reishi (in Japan) or Lingzhi (in China). It is native to Europe and China. The Reishi contains some major compounds like sterols, hydroxycinnamic acids ,phenolic acids, terpenic acids and Stilbenes. It is good to increase the stamina and immunity system.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material
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  • Product Mix Category:
    Conventional Extract Powders
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Product Data
Main Producing Countries
China and Japan

Production & Sourcing

Reishi mushroom, also known as Lingzhi mushroom, is a type of medicinal mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is primarily produced in China, Japan, Korea, and other parts of Asia. The mushroom grows on decaying trees and can be found in the wild, but it is also commercially cultivated using a variety of different substrates such as logs, sawdust, grains, or composts.

The production process starts with the selection of high-quality spores or spawn, which are then inoculated into the chosen substrate. The cultivation process is typically carried out in controlled environments with specific conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light. It takes about 3 to 6 months for the mushrooms to fully mature and be ready for harvest.

Once harvested, the mushrooms are dried and processed into different forms such as powder, extract, or capsules, for commercial use.

Harvest Time

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