Wild Bear’s Garlic Leaf Powder
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Wild Bear’s Garlic Leaf Powder

SKU#: GJ10425
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Product Description

Botanical Name- Allium ursinum 
Plant Part Used- Leaves 
Processing Method- Drying , Grinding 
Wild Bear's Garlic Leaf Powder is derived from the leaves of the Allium ursinum plant, also known as wild garlic or ramps, which belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. This plant is rich in bioactive components such as alliin, ajoene, and sulfur compounds. Wild Bear's Garlic Leaf Powder is commonly used in culinary applications, herbal teas, and natural formulations. It is valued for its aromatic, garlicky flavor and is often included in wild food blends and dietary products.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material
  • Product Category:
  • Product Sub Category:
  • Product Mix Category:
    Conventional RM powders
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Product Data
Main Producing Countries

Production & Sourcing



Harvest Time

Note: Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the customer: Green Jeeva, LLC., however does not assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an express or implied guarantee or warranty with respect to Green Jeeva, LLC’s or their use.

The biological source of Wild Bear’s Garlic is Allium ursinum.

The other names of Wild Bear’s Garlic are wild garlic, ramsons, wild cowleek, cowlic, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek and bear’s garlic.

The nutrients present in Wild Bear’s Garlic are glutamyl peptides, sulfoxides, alliin, methiin, isoalliin, propiin, thiosulfinates, ajoene, ferulic, p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic acid, p-coumaric, steroidal saponnins, palmitic, linoleic, oleic, palmitoleic, stearic, alpha-linolenic, myristic acid, gamma-glutamylpeptides, asparagine, glutamine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, arginine, alanine, glycine, threonine, magnesium, iron, manganese and adenosine.

Wild Bear’s Garlic Leaf Powder, which we provide is a brown-yellow colour powder.

No, Salmonella and E. coli are absent in this product. In order to prevent and control biological hazards, we ensure that microbial parameters in our products comply with microbial limits as specified by the USP.

Yes, Wild Bear’s Garlic Powder is BSE/TSE free. As it is obtained from the plant part. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) are prion-induced disease sources of which are animals. Hence, it is free form BSE/TSE.

We provide Wild Bear’s Garlic Powder with moisture content below 10%. The moisture content of the product facilitates the growth of microorganisms in the product, which in turn increases the risk of biological hazards. Moisture content below 5% in our product ensures better control of microbial growth and, in turn, increased shelf life.

Ash value is the residue remaining after the incineration of the drug or plant part. Ash value represents the number of inorganic salts naturally occurring in the ingredient and adhering to it. It also includes inorganic matter, which helps to identify adulteration. Ash value greater than 5% is an indicator of the addition of inorganic metal salts in the product. So, we provide an ash value of less than 5%.

Garlic and Wild Bear’s Garlic are different as they have same genus and Wild Bear’s Garlic taste like Garlic, so it creates a confusion. But botanical name of Garlic is Allium sativum and Wild Bear’s Garlic is Allium ursinum. Hence, they are two different plants.
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Biological source: Allium ursinum
Shelf Life: 36 months
Plant part used: Whole herb
Country Of Origin: China
Items Specification Test Methods
Physical Analysis
Description Powder Organoleptic
Color Brown yellow Organoleptic
Odor Characteristic Organoleptic
Taste Characteristic Organoleptic
Mesh size 100% Passes through #80 mesh USP<786>
Loss on drying NMT 10.0% w/w USP<731>
Total ash NMT 12.0% w/w USP<561>
Bulk density 35g/100ml-55 g/100ml USP<616>
Total Heavy Metals
Total Heavy Metals NMT 10 ppm USP<231>
Lead NMT 0.5 ppm USP<232>
Arsenic NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Mercury NMT 0.1 ppm USP<232>
Cadmium NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Microbiology Test
Total Plate count NMT 100,000 cfu/g USP<2021>
Yeast & Mold NMT 10,000 cfu/g USP<2021>
E. coli Negative USP<2022>
Salmonella Negative USP<2022>

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Total : 25.00Kg x 1 = 25.00Kg

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