Magnesium Citrate Powder 16%

Magnesium Citrate Powder 16%

SKU#: GJ4573
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Product Description

Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is a dietary supplement featuring magnesium citrate, a compound formed by combining magnesium with citric acid. The powder form allows for flexible dosing and easy incorporation into liquids. With a concentration of 16%, this product provides a specific level of magnesium citrate, which can be measured according to individual needs. It is typically used to make solutions for consumption. The powder is often chosen for its potential ease of digestion and absorption compared to other forms of magnesium supplements. Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is a fine, white to off-white powder consisting of magnesium citrate, which is a compound derived from the combination of magnesium and citric acid. The “16%” designation refers to the concentration of magnesium citrate in the powder, indicating that 16% of the powder's weight is magnesium citrate.

  • Product Type:
    Raw Material/Extract
  • Product Category:
  • Product Sub Category:
    Food Ingredients and Chemicals
  • Product Mix Category:
    Conventional RM powders
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Product Data

Main Producing Countries

China, Germany, India and Japan

Product Use

Production & Sourcing

Magnesium citrate is a natural compound formed by combining magnesium carbonate with citric acid. It can be found in a variety of food sources, such as leafy greens, nuts, beans, and whole grains. However, it is also commercially produced through the reaction of magnesium oxide with citric acid in a solution of water. This process creates magnesium citrate, which can then be dried and sold as a powder or used in supplement form.

Harvest Time

Note: Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the customer: Green Jeeva, LLC., however does not assume any liability or risk involved in the use of its products since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an express or implied guarantee or warranty with respect to Green Jeeva, LLC’s or their use.

Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is a dietary supplement made from magnesium citrate, a compound formed by the reaction of magnesium with citric acid. The "16%" ratio indicates that the powder contains 16% magnesium citrate, reflecting its concentration.

The primary component of Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate is a combination of magnesium and citric acid. The powder provides magnesium in a form that is combined with citric acid to produce this specific compound.?

The moisture content in Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is typically kept below 10%. This low moisture level helps to maintain the powder’s stability and prevents issues such as clumping or degradation.?

Yes, Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% undergoes microbiological testing to ensure it meets safety standards. This testing verifies that the powder is free from harmful levels of microorganisms and complies with relevant regulatory guidelines.?

Yes, Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is BSE/TSE free. As it is a product derived from non-animal sources (magnesium and citric acid), it does not contain prions associated with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE).?

Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is tested for heavy metals, including lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. These tests ensure that the heavy metal levels are within safe limits and meet established safety and quality standards.?

Identification of Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is typically performed using analytical techniques such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) or Infrared Spectroscopy (IR). These methods are used to confirm the presence and concentration of magnesium citrate in the powder.?

Magnesium Citrate Powder 16% is derived from the combination of magnesium and citric acid. It is not sourced from biological materials but is produced through chemical processes that combine these two components.
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Shelf Life: 24months
Country Of Origin: China
Items Specification Test Methods
Physical Analysis
Description Powder Organoleptic
Color White Organoleptic
Odor Characteristic Organoleptic
Taste Characteristic Organoleptic
Loss on drying NMT 29% w/w USP<731>
Readily carbonisable substances Complies USP
Oxalate NMT 280 ppm USP
pH 5.0-9.0 USP<791>
Calcium NMT 2000 ppm USP
sulfate NMT 2000 ppm USP<221>
Iron NMT 100 ppm USP<241>
Chloride NMT 500 ppm USP<221>
Assay Mg( dry basis) NLT 16 % USP
Identification Complies to tests of magnesium and citrate USP
Total Heavy Metals NMT 10 ppm USP<231>
Lead NMT 3 ppm USP<232>
Arsenic NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Mercury NMT 0.1 ppm USP<232>
Cadmium NMT 1 ppm USP<232>
Microbiology Test
Total Plate Count NMT 10,000 cfu/g USP<61>
Yeast & Mold NMT 1000 cfu/g USP<61>
E. Coli Negative USP<62>
Salmonella Negative USP<62>
Melamine Negative USP<62>

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